December 9, 2013

NSA FOIA Request Denial

Two major stories came out this weekend regarding the growing threat of a police state in the USA.  One article reports that 8 of the most prominent technology companies are responding to recent findings of NSA surveillance with a petition to the President and Congress to overhaul spying practices:

Another story, which was on the cover of USA today this morning, says that police departments in 33 states are harvesting cell phone tower data in much the same way the NSA is doing.  After all, if the Feds are doing it, why can't they?

In local news, I had the privilege of receiving a denial letter from the NSA regarding my recent request for disclosure on what information the NSA was collecting about me.  Page 2 says my request was denied because of statutes and executive orders which prevent the release of any records (which may or may not exist) that could be used in the interest of national defense.

I only give them a break insofar as sending me that amount of information would be difficult.  How does one send "records of all social network activity."  Would they print it out and send boxes of paper records on a truck?  Would they give me a thumb drive with gigabytes of code?

I sent them the request out of principle to show them that I, along with many other Americans, are concerned that the mass harvesting and storage of personal information can lead to an invasion of privacy.  Once this information gets into the wrong hands it can create a police state like history has never seen.

Link to the imgur album with the NSA response:

First page here:

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