January 8, 2015

Muhammad محمد Cartoon Censorship

As a sign of solidarity with the French people, and in honor of the  survivors, and the nine Charlie Hebdo employees who were killed in the recent terror attack by Muslim extremists in Paris, I am posting the cartoon of Muhammad محمد which sparked the attack:

Most major news networks are refusing to show the cartoon for fear of inciting violence, offending Muslims, or provoking an attack on their own operations.

By capitulating to the wishes of these extremists not to show images of Muhammad, we are agreeing with their position that the tenets of their religious faith are beyond reproach. We are not talking about defecating on Qur'ans, writing graffiti on mosques, or suppressing Muslim expression of faith. We are talking about the principle of censorship, and whether Islam deserves a special place above all other subjects to avoid ridicule.

A redditor posted this video yesterday of the late Christopher Hitchens' defense of publishing such cartoons because of its relevance to recent events in France:

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