April 30, 2013

Rethinking Higher Education

Texas Governor Rick Perry has been pushing Texas universities to provide $10,000 bachelors degrees to make college more affordable. The goal would be to have 10% of degrees fall under $10,000.

A point on this issue was brought up by a caller into an NPR radio show that was discussing this news story. The caller said, "It's more about how to make something better than colleges. If someone suggested to you, 'Hey let's put a few thousand or several thousand or tens of thousands of 18-22 year-olds together and have someone talk to them about calculus for an hour, and then have them shift and go off and have someone else talk to them about the Battle of Hastings for another hour, you wouldn't think that's a good idea.'" Don, Amherst, NY

Few would challenge Gov. Perry's desire to see the cost of higher education ease downward, but how about overhauling the entire system altogether?

Just how effective are undergraduate degrees in the first place? How well do they prepare students for the workforce, teach them critical thinking skills, and improve their ability to read and write?

Higher education, like healthcare poses a massive long-term problem for our country. With both issues costs are out of control, but those with the loudest voices are fighting for access when they should be equally as concerned as Gov. Perry is with costs.


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