March 13, 2011

Pausing to Be Thankful

I am so grateful for the lasting peace and tranquility American society affords.  How wonderful it is that we can carry on with our lives not worrying about our own security.  If you have read any history or follow current events you know that many people live under a constant state of fear of things like hunger, disease, war, violence, and natural disasters.

Can you imagine what it must be like living along the Israeli-Palestinian border?  While you visit the local marketplace to buy food there is a constant awareness of a potential rocket attack or suicide bombing.  Or what about life in South Korea?  As you strive to fulfill your long-term goals in a country just as modern as the United States, a nuclear attack from your northern neighbors could wipe out your entire city.  Many African nations face ethnic wars and prolonged periods of hunger.  How can you become an expert in any field and contribute something big to the world when you spend your life dodging invading tribes or trying to eat enough food to survive?

When you get up tomorrow will you be concerned about any of these things happening to you?  Of course not!  Our society is peaceful, safe, and productive.  We understand the value of our lives and work together to make it safe and prosperous.  Let us remember to be thankful for the state of peace under which we live.

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