January 19, 2010

Scott "Boring" Brown for US Senate

More like Scott "Boring Cookie-Cutter Politician" Brown.  This man is up in the polls heading into the special election.  While some people have voted for him because he will block the health care bill, I voted for him for different reasons.  The Democrats could still use the so-called "nuclear option" to pass health care, where instead of needing 60 votes they would just need a simple majority.  And even if Martha Coakley won, she said she would vote against a health care bill that contained too many restrictions on abortion.  And by the way, Brown has said he thinks health care something everyone has access to - not a view shared by a lot of his fellow Republicans.

I wish he wasn't so boring.  But I suppose I shouldn't complain about that.  After all, Obama was an exciting candidate, but what policies he has been able to pass have not been nearly effective enough, and there is so much he has not been able to deliver on.

Voting for Brown is more of a referendum on President Obama's performance since he took office.  Liberal economists and Democrat supporters who show up as guests to radio shows have complained that Obama and his Democrat majority in Congress has not lived up to expectations, breaking campaign promises, and showing little backbone against the Republican minority.

If Brown fit the mold of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush I would not have voted for him.  But he seems to adopt a more commonsense, less polarizing form of conservatism that I think will help bring the US economy back to full recovery.  Further he has a strong record of military service and has received awards for his work in politics.  Perhaps a win for Brown in Massachusetts will send a message to Obama, Pelosi, and Reed that they need to deliver more on what they promised.

Jon Steward had a great segment about the current election.  You can check it out here:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Mass Backwards

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Health Care Crisis
The best quote from this piece:
"If this lady loses, the health care reform bill that the beloved late senator considered his legacy, will die. And the reason it will die... is because if Coakley loses, Democrats will only have an 18 vote majority in the Senate, which is more than George W. Bush ever had in the Senate when did whatever the fuck he wanted to."

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