December 28, 2009

Eeeny Meeney Miney ... Iraq!

I have commented before that when George W. Bush eeney meeney miney mo-ed the Axis of Evil (consisting of Iran, Iraq, and N. Korea) that he landed on the wrong one.  Journalists have reported on the 1984-like misery of North Korea, a country whose leader flirts with danger by shooting missiles into the air.   And leading up to the recent Iranian presidential elections and continuing to this day, there has been protest after protest in that Islamic Republic with people being killed, beaten and brought to prison for their opposition to President Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Khomeini.  Iran has also threated to wipe Israel of the map.  They are in the process of developing what looks to be nuclear weapons.  The IAEA condemned the country for hiding previous nuclear operations.  Now protests are still going on:

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