October 1, 2009

Revanchism vs. Burkeanism

A man named Sam Tanenhaus was interviewed on a radio show the other day where he discussed his new book "The Death of Conservatism."

ST made the case that there have been 2 strands of American political conservatism going back to at least the turn of the last century: Burkean conservatism and Revanchist conservatism.

The first is an evenness of political ideology that can be seen in GOP and Dem politicians alike. The second is a more modern, culture war type of ideology ST calls radical.

This made me think of our current debates in a different way. I have wondered since the last presidential election why the rhetoric coming from conservatives is still very much like the language used by GWB and his supporters. It's as if some in the GOP do not think they need to behave differently after Bush and after McCain's defeat.

ST says the Hannity's, Beck's, and Palin's, among others, represent a die hard block of conservatives, but that they are in fact dying. And ST even says these radical right wingers are really not conservative at all. Thay are radical and want to dramatically change the way America is to the way it used to be.

Independents and other conservatives are leaving the GOP in droves because of these revanchist positions.

ST sees Burkeans returning. These are the people who recognize many voters are turned off by the radicals and just want some middle of the road policies that will not be too far to the right or left.

Do you see a difference among conservatives in the way ST does?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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